Crysthal Alvarez

Crysthal Alvarez

TTP Peer Mentor, Lead & Socials Director

Transferred: Chaffey Community College

Research Areas

Studies Antibacterial Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles Assisted with Femtosecond Laser Light in the C-SAMBA Laboratory

Contact Information
Peer Mentors

I am a senior mechanical engineering transfer and first-generation student from Chaffey Community College.  I choose UCR as my university because of the diversity, support for transfers, and various opportunities this university offers.  After transferring I was a part of the HSI Summer Bridge to Research Program at the Bourns College of Engineering in summer 2016. Since then I started conducting research with Dr. Guillermo Aguilar on the Window to the Brain (WttB) project.  The aim of this project is to provide optical access to the brain via a transparent cranial implant comprised of nanocrystalline–yttria stabilized zirconia ceramic. I conduct antibacterial studies of Zinc Oxide nanoparticle coating on the ceramic in conjunction with femtosecond laser light irradiation.  Throughout this research position I have had the opportunity to appear in publications and to present my work at various symposiums and conferences. I have presented my work in a poster, oral presentation, and via skype call. Research is not only about working in the lab, but also going out to inform others on why research is important and how they can get a research opportunity.  Therefore, I became the Vice President of Research for the Window to the Brain Undergraduate Research Club here at UCR. I served in that position for two years and now I am the Vice President. Due to my dedication to research and making connections I am now a UC LEADS scholar. This program has helped fund my research during the summer, while giving me the opportunity to take a GRE course.  In summer 2017, I conducted research at UCR and in summer 2018 I had the opportunity to conduct research at UCI. Overall, UCR and the experiences it has provided me with have prepared and motivated me to continue onto graduate school.